About » School Safety

School Safety

We need to have current information on file if we should need to contact you in the event of an emergency. Please complete the emergency card completely and carefully for each student at the school and make sure it is returned to the school’s main office. If there is an incident at the school you will be contacted and informed of the incident and if necessary where to pick up your child. 

Keep the office updated if there are any changes to the information. This contact information is vital to the welfare of your child in the case of a disaster or incident. Students may only be released to the people that you indicate on the emergency card. 



If there is an emergency at school, school personnel have been trained, and will react quickly to protect children. If the emergency is a fire, students will evacuate to their Assembly Area on the upper yard until it is determined that it is safe to re-enter the buildings. If there is an earthquake, students will drop, cover, and hold on as trained until the shaking stops, and then will evacuate the building. 

If there is a hazard outside, such as a report of a person in the area with a gun, or a nearby chemical release, students will be brought inside, where the building itself will help protect them from danger. Schools will act to protect students, and are prepared to shelter the students inside classrooms for hours if necessary. We have procedures to keep all students safe and accounted for while dismissing students following an emergency/evacuation. You must follow the outlined procedures to check your child out of school following an emergency/evacuation:

    • Request that the student be dismissed at the REQUEST GATE (main gate at school entrance) and provide your photo identification. The person requesting the child must be listed on the student's emergency card.

    • You will be given a release slip for your student.  

    • Proceed to the REUNION GATE (gate by upper yard) with the release slip to meet your child.


Campus & Community Safety

LAUSD mandates that all campuses are closed to ensure the safety of our students. 

    • Visitors and volunteers must sign in upon arrival and departure, and wear a Visitor Pass or Volunteer badge while on campus. Visitors may not interfere with or disrupt the classroom or school activity. Any individual who fails to follow the school rules/guidelines is subject to removal from the school site and further restricted from visiting the school. 

    • It is very important to keep our school safe and secure at all times. If you notice any suspicious activity on school grounds after school hours and on the weekends, such as incidents of vandalism or burglaries, please call Los Angeles School Police at 213-625-6631 or LAPD Harbor Division at 310-726-7700.


Lock Down

Lockdowns are implemented for a variety of reasons, including an intruder on campus, police action in the area, disruptive community incident, or even a dangerous animal on campus. In a lockdown, school buildings are used to help protect the students from outside harm.

During a lockdown, school administrators and district officials work closely with law enforcement and other outside agencies to maximize student safety. Parents will receive information and updates about the status of a school lockdown through Blackboard Connect automated phone messages.